Rudolf ELMER: an overview
Already in the 1960s, Dr. Erich DIEFENBACHER, lawyer and (former) banker, drew attention to the business practices of the Swiss banking world that were harmful to the community. The "Schweizer Banken- und Anwaltskartell" (Swiss banking and lawyer cartel) then ensured the "elimination of Erich Diefenbacher from Swiss legal and business life". Thus, it is literally written in a (formerly) secret file of the Swiss Federal Police. The reasons for the "elimination": His exact knowledge, for example, of "illegal money laundering (illegal import of funds of criminal origin such as profits from drug trafficking, kidnapping ransom, illegal arms trafficking, mafia and crime syndicate proceeds, etc.)".
Erich DIEFENBACHER was forced to emigrate in 1990 due to fictitious tax debts, which he would have had to pay immediately. More at (in German).
Shortly thereafter the book "Switzerland washes whiter” with the subtitle. “The financial hub of international crime". Author: Prof. Dr. Jean ZIEGLER, professor of sociology in Geneva and critical observer of the financial world, advisor to the United Nations on the global fight against hunger. For almost 30 years he sat in parliament for the Swiss Social Democrats, fighting for a clean Switzerland: not only in the field of the environment, but also in the financial sector. As a result of the many lawsuits and court cases brought against him by the powerful and rich, he now has debts of more than six million SFR.
For example, for labelling Hans W. KOPP, a Swiss lawyer in Zurich with a large law firm and owner of almost 50 board of directors’ mandates and large network in the Swiss banking and business world, a “Vulture”, ZIEGLER had to withdraw the name and pay 320,000 SFr to KOPP.
Kopp was later sentenced in 1991, to one year in conditional prison for fraud and the collapse of a finance company. An informative interview with Jean ZIEGLER can be found in the archive of the weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT.
Now Rudolf ELMER. First employed as an internal auditor at Bank Julius Baer in Zurich, then on the Cayman Islands. There, the banking group maintains a parallel offshore network of companies in order to offer tax loopholes to various figures of the world, but also to carry out many different types of money multiplication transactions fictitiously and tax-free via sister companies that are not subject to Swiss law.
ELMER commenced as Chief Operating Officer and later became Compliance Officer. With the latter function, he became the 'conscience' of Julius Baer Bank & Trust Company Ltd. In his new position, he began to notice what was going on behind the scenes and wanted to bring to the attention of higher management, the dubious practices that were going on in the bank. No one was interested. On the contrary, because of his concerns about these dubious practices ELMER became increasingly unpopular with Head Office and was dismissed in 2002 after he refused to take a lie-detector. Now ELMER became a whistleblower, something that had been stirring in him for a long time: Because his 'bosses' on Cayman Islands and in HQ Zurich were not prepared to listen to his concerns, he went public: 2008 together with WikiLeaks. Both became world-famous overnight: The Wikileaks platform, which until then had only been known to a few, and the whistleblower Rudolf ELMER made headlines. In the fight against the practices of international tax evasion. And thus, against his former employer, bank Julius Baer.
His story can be found here:
The chronology of Rudolf ELMER, a whistleblower, shows how all this developed and the state of the criminal proceedings against him, including those for breach of banking secrecy. The ABC of Actors outlines the most important persons who played and continue to play a role in this.
We have taken a look at the customer list of the Bär Group in the Caribbean. And some of the crooks, drug dealers and murderers were described: Bank Julius Baer: Clients in Cayman Islands.
Rudolf ELMER has put together what "offshore" means and how it becomes a money-making machine in a small PowerPoint presentation that he originally made for the anti-corruption institution Transparency International: Money-Making Machine "Offshore".
When Rudolf ELMER and his family returned to Switzerland in 2002, the bank had him shadowed almost around the clock by private investigators. And not only him, but also his wife and daughter. We have tried to depict how you feel when you are exposed to obvious psych terror by the state and the bank in an objective way: On the basis of a fever curve of stalking.
We have reconstructed here how Swiss banking secrecy got more and more holes in it causing it to gradually disappeared into thin air: Swiss cheese. From the end of a brand product: Swiss banking secrecy.
If you want to access or link the entire history of Rudolf ELMER directly, you can do so with the following permalink:
Online am: 13.05.2019
Aktualisiert am: 27.10.2019
Whistleblower Rudolf ELMER: against tax evasion and Bankhaus Julius Baer
- Rudolf ELMER: an overview
- Whistleblower Rudolf ELMER - the Chronology
- Rudolf ELMER -the long story short
- Prof. KALLENBERGER on litigation, banking secrecy, trusts and whistleblowing